Magazine concept and design
The Asian body has a very limited space it is allwowed to occupy within Western media as a reault of tense intercontinental realtionships developed over hundreds of years in the contexts of war. Though Americans like to believe these harmful attitudes towards “Oriental” foreigners are a product of the past, it is more than obvious that these toxic sentiments linger within the modern everyday context of Western society.
(new) Club Asian aims to invite discussion and contront the long withstanding phenomenon that is the commodification of the Asian body in the global market. Its form draws from pornographic magazines that were extremely popular in the 1970s-2000s that would eventually evolve into the massive online porn archive, as they marked the beginning of the oversaturation of pornography in Western culture. Asian bodies have continually been perpetuated to be objects of White pleasure at the hands of Asian stereotyping avnd fetishization. Its satirical design is meant to subvert the expectations of a typical pornography viewer in an effort to confront one’s own shortcomings as a consumer of persevering colonialism and thus inspire self reflection, education, and change.